Monday, July 23, 2012

Cayeron Del Cielo Sobre Los Hombres Enormes Granizos

Mi Familia,

This week was great. We worked really hard and Elder Ah Mu said it was the most lessons he has had since he has been here. We invited a few people to be baptized and they accepted. The future is bright here in San Cris!

We got transfers... We knew Elder Ah Mu was going because it is his last transfer and you can't end the mission as a zone leader. My new companion is going to be Elder Cruz. I don't know him but have heard good things about him. We are going to have a good 6 weeks.

Well this week was somewhat adventurous. We had a huge hailstorm on Tuesday. We were on the northeast side of town and the rain came from there. We could hear it coming hard and the mountains that surround the city disappeared behind clouds. We started running! The rain was coming with a hard wind. So we hid on the side of a catholic church, (there are a lot of those here) and stayed there for an hour as the rain and hail pounded down. It calmed down but there was a river in the street. So we had to wait there longer. But then I found some bricks so we threw them in the water and made a path to cross the river and go to our next appointment. We got soaked. There was about 5 minutes when the wind direction changed and I got hit by hail. That hurts a lot. The only good thing about it was It was only hitting me and not Elder Ah Mu. Glad I could protect him like that. I didn't know how much hail hurts until then.

Lance accepted a baptismal date and is not smoking as much. He is doing awesome and understands what we teach him. We have some others that are going to get baptized soon I think.

Well got to go but I hope you all have a great week. I love you and miss you!

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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