Monday, July 9, 2012

Los Comisionó Para Que Fueran Y Llevaran La Luz Del Evangelio

Mi Familia,

Well thanks for all the pictures of Piper! I am glad that all is well. Piper looks really cute. I can't wait to meet her in... 6 months? Well this week was really good here too.

We went last Sunday to give Manuel a blessing, he was doing really poorly (and in the hospital.) He has changed a lot. Before we saw him, his family (who are all members) told us that he has not let the catholics see him because he has kind of stopped believing in that, and he was really die-hard about it before. On Tuesday we got a phone call from Manuel's daughter (that is a member). She said that he had dreamed a dream and that he wanted us two there and also Elder Utt, the husband of the missionary couple here in San Cris. We couldn't get a hold of Elder Utt, but we went to the hospital anyway. He wanted all of us there but he did tell us that he saw the three of us and that we had what he wanted. He told us that Jesus appeared to him and told him that we were "commissioned." He didn't tell us everything because he wanted Elder Utt to be there too. So on Wednesday we went again with Elder Utt. Manuel told us that he saw us and that we had the special clothing that he needed. He said it was white clothing. We told him that we had the clothes and that when he got out of the hospital, we would give it to him. We gave him another blessing and he was out of the hospital on Friday. Yesterday morning his daughter called again and said that Manuel wanted to be baptized. We are getting everything ready for the service right now. The baptism is going to be this wednesday or thursday. He passed his interview yesterday and we are just so happy for him, mostly because we were scared that he might have killed someone as mayor of Oxchuc (or sent someone to kill people) but he didn't. The baptism is going to be a big one, with food, and a lot of people. I think our mission president is going to go. We are very pleased!

This week I had my first interview as well (on friday). I went to a city called Ocosingo, where one of our district leaders is. It is so green and beautiful on the way there. I interviewed a 16 year old girl that is so awesome and that has a very strong testimony. She expressed in the interview that she would stay strong in the gospel even if her family is opposed to it. So that is awesome. She got baptized on Saturday.

We are teaching a young man named Omar, and he is awesome. He went to church yesterday and really liked it. Elder Ah Mu had taught him a couple months ago but couldn't find him again. But his friend is a member of the ward and she told us to look for him again. We found him on Saturday night and he is a really good guy. It was sweet because we had ward conference and over 225 people were there, and we just have a small little chapel, so they were all lined down the hallway with the chapel doors open (there is no cultural hall). Usually like 110 go to church. I am not sure where everyone else came from, but they were not all from the stake. We also had a small meal after - reminded me of the good old "break the fast" days.

Well things are great here, I hope that you are all doing well too! I love you and miss you all!

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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