Monday, August 13, 2012

Tú Ensanchaste Mis Pasos Debajo De Mí, Y Mis Pies No Han Resbalado

Mi Familia,

This week was way good. We worked really hard. Our mission president wanted us to focus on people that already met the requirements for baptism but hadnt been baptized yet. So we did. We got to move a date up for this week (Guadalupe) and we are so excited for her. I will talk about her more below. The Elders from Ocosingo also set a date for this week and she got baptized.

A stream in San Cristobal

Guadalupe has been going to church for years. Her sons are members and one of them is an RM. She has finally decided to get baptized and we have been working really hard with her to get her ready. She is great. Her nephew is Bishop and almost all of her family are members of the church. We are so happy for her.

Corn and Sheep

On a sadder note... Wednesday Elder Utt called us and said that Manuel was dying. He picked us up and we went to Oxchuc. On our way there he passed away. When we got there a ton of people were there and everyone was crying. We didn't have much to do there so we went home. It was sad but we are happy that he could get baptized and he was also ordained an Elder last week. We know he is happy now though, and so is his family (the members).

The step is indeed forbidden (in the caves)

So Mexico won the gold medal in soccer! It was big news here but the celebration was rather small. We are happy though.

Our zone

We found another man named Humberto. He is awesome. We were contacting and I felt like we should contact his house. He told us to return another day. He has 10 kids (he's about 50) and lives 2 blocks away from the chapel. He accepted a baptismal date and went to church on Sunday and just loved it. He wants to get baptized and is reading the Book of Mormon. He will be baptized on September 1st.

A neighborhood in our Area called La Garita. It is so tiring to climb those stairs. The picture doesn't do justice. Also the staircases are manmade rivers when it rains.

Well things are good here. Don't know if you guys heard about the hurricane. It rained a lot but we are fine. Nothing too big. But it sounds like it hit other parts of Mexico pretty hard. Well I love you and miss you very much. Have a great week!

Ernesto (the hurricane) coming towards us

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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