Monday, September 5, 2011

Mi Alma Se Deleita En Las Escrituras

Mi Familia,

Hello! Things are going great here. It is not raining as much but it rained super hard on Tuesday I think it was. No it was Wednesday. There were rivers in the streets and the water was high. We got soaked but I think it is so funny to get wet in church clothes, because it doesn't bother me and everyone looks at us as we walk by.

This week was good; we found a lot of people that are going to progress. It is hard switching areas because we had to start completely over, so we are working hard to get baptizing again.

This week I learned a lot. I really love studying. I learned a lot about the Priesthood. I wish I could have realized the importance of the Priesthood before I got it, but that is how the Lord works, we learn by experience. I feel a huge responsibility as a priesthood holder, and I am studying and praying so I can understand it better, and really do my duty as a priesthood holder. I feel like I am actually serving the Lord, and trying hard to listen to the spirit in every moment. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I testify that he lives and loves us. I am coming to know Him more, here on the mission. He loves us so much and when we put our confidence in Him we cannot fall. What an amazing promise. I know it is true.

I love you and miss you. Expect a better letter next week, sorry!!

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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