Monday, March 19, 2012

Los Juntaré Como La Gallina Junta A Sus Polluelos Debajo De Sus Alas

Mi Familia,

This week was a lot better. We had some good lessons and found some new people to teach. We have transfers today but Elder Bernal and I stayed together, as expected. I am happy that I have the opportunity to keep serving here in Ciudad Hidalgo, even though it has been really hot lately! And everyone says it is going to get hotter. Everyone is getting sick because of the change of temperature. I hope we can stay healthy! Right now we are good.

The funniest part of the week was when we went to teach a referral, when Elder Bernal introduced himself he said his name was Elder Stevenson, and it surprised me a bit. I didn't know what to say in that moment but I told her that I was Elder Stevenson and that my companion was Elder Bernal. I think it was one of the funniest moments on my mission, because Elder Bernal hadn't realized till I said it, and the investigators laughed a lot too. I guess you could say we are pretty united, seeing that Elder Bernal confuses his name with mine.

We are also teaching a lot of Marías right now so it is hard to know which one is which. So one of them sells chicken so in my agenda when I wrote the appointment, I drew a little chicken next to it to clarify which María it was (sometimes I do drawings). Then Elder Bernal saw it when we were putting an appointment with other investigators and it made him laugh and no one knew why (haha). He told me about it after.

We found a family this week that the missionaries were teaching about 5 years ago. they are really great, it is the family Santos Mendoza. They have 4 small children and aren't married, but we are going to see what can be done. Their neighbors are also listening to us.

This week Salustio is going to get baptized. He is an older man (66) and the majority of the branch is related to him in some way. It is very exciting because he is a good guy and we have been teaching him for a few months now. He lives alone and has a lonely life, but really wants to do what is right. He has a ton of land and animals so it is fun to go to his house. He has geese that bite and snarl at us, puppies, and chickens that climb up a ladder and sleep in the palm trees.

We are teaching some great people and are always finding people that are interested in the gospel. I know that this is Christ's church, and that Joseph Smith restored it. I know that President Monson is a prophet of God.

I love you and miss you all!

Elder Riley Stevenson

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