Monday, March 5, 2012

Parte Cayó en Buena Tierra y Dio Fruto

Mi Familia,

This week was great. I went to Tuxtla Gutierrez for the Leaders' Training, and learned a lot. I have felt so good ever since. We learned a lot about the sheets we fill out when someone gets baptized and about working with the wards in missionary work. We also talked a lot about faith and the light of Christ. I learned a lot and got to see a bunch of friends. And that means finding out what has been going on in other parts of the mission! I talked to one of the Elders serving in La Salle and I found out that an investigator we had, (one of the daughters of Blanca Estella) got baptized. Her name is Ana Marthi.

Another Elder that was in my district told me something awesome too! Ok the story goes like this. One time we were teaching an investigator in Tuxtla that was going to get baptized. We felt inspired to invite a sister from the ward to meet her and be in the lesson with us. When we got to the member's house, her friend was there so we talked to her and said she would listen to the missionaries. She lived in the ward next to us so we passed the referral to the other missionaries. Then we went to the lesson. The investigator told us she had gotten a job and worked from 10 AM to 10 PM all week so we couldn't visit her, and she couldn't go to church either. I felt bad that the member came with us. Elder Nay and I were so sad that we just told the member she could go home because we didn't want to take her tracting in the sun when we told her we were just going to a lesson. I always felt like that was one of the saddest days on my mission. But Elder Granados was in that ward and he told me this week that her 2 children got baptized, and that she is probably going to be baptized soon. It made me so happy and now I know why the Lord had us go there with that sister. Besides Ana Marthi and those 2 youths, I know of three other people that have gotten baptized that I was teaching in La Salle.

This week Ana Michel is going to get baptized. She was a referral from the Branch President: She is going out with a less active member who has been going more (because of her obviously). But this sunday he left after the first hour and she stayed all 3 hours! She is already a great example to him and she is so excited for her baptism. All of the young women promised her yesterday that they would go and she was so happy about that and told us all about it.

I am so happy and I know this work is true! I see miracles everyday. I don't want my mission to end, and it is going by way too fast. I love this work and I know that Christ leads it, and is actively participating in it.

I love you and miss you all.

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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