Monday, June 11, 2012

Levántate Y Sube Al Monte

Mi Familia,

This week was one of the hardest in the mission. But that is how we learn and also obtain more faith. I got pretty sick monday night and went to the doctor in Tapachula on tuesday, (he is a member) I had an intestinal infection but I bought some medicine and have felt a lot better. Actually now I feel great but we started working thursday in the afternoon and got some things done.

On Friday, Yami had her baptismal interview, passed and everything went well. But on Sunday (the day she was going to get baptized) she got sick and didn't go to church. But she is going to get baptized this Sunday, maybe with Diana, another investigator. We are also happy because Carolina, the grandmother of Saida, set her own baptismal date for July 15. We are happy for her but she is almost already ready! But it is fine, we are happy that she made the decision. We also met some great new people this week and are happy for them, and excited to see how they progress.

Zone Conference - Elder Stevenson is seated, fourth from the left.

Yesterday at 8 pm when we left a lesson we got a phone call from the mission president which had never happened to me in the mission. He asked me how I was doing, about the area, obedience, etc. Then he told me that the Lord had called me to be a zone leader, and gave me some advice. I am scared. Today they called to tell me that I am going to San Cristóbal, hands down the most coveted zone in the mission. It is an hour away from Tuxtla Gutierrez and it is cold there, and beautiful. It is in the mountains and it is a very touristic place. I am going with Elder Treviño, who is mexican but has lived in the USA (in Utah). I know him and he is a great Elder. I am worried because I don't have very much (any) experience as a leader in the mission. But I know that the Lord will help me.

I hope you all have a great week. I love you and miss you!!

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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