Monday, June 25, 2012

Pedid, Y Se Os Dará

Mi Familia,

This week was great. We worked hard and are starting to work with the members a lot more. We are  teaching this man named José Constantino. He is in his mid 20's and knows a lot about the gospel. He went to church on Sunday (in normal clothes) but even like that the members were asking him if he was a member of the church, because he had some great comments in the classes. He is awesome, but not married. His wife wants to get married, but in the USA because she is a dual citizen and she wants him to be too. It is a little lame but we are praying for him a lot and he is going to talk to his wife about it.

So I also think I saw Andrew from MGMT this week walking in the streets with a fairly big sized crowd. He was wearing a large white sheep skin looking blouse. I was pretty surprised to say the least. Not because of the clothes, because it was him.

On Saturday we were going to go to a ward activity but only 2 investigators showed up. Me and Elder Ah Mu both felt like we shouldn't go, even though we didn't have anything else planned for the morning. So we went contacting and found this great family. The mom's name is Marta and she let us in. We asked her if her husband was home so she made one of her two kids get him, and he sat down to hear us too. That has NEVER happened in my mission... we just asked, and Marta delivered. Her husband's name is Marcelino. They had seen The Other Side of Heaven on internet the Sunday before (the 17th). They had a lot of questions and had never talked to missionaries before. We think they are going to go to church next week. They both play basketball and want to play with me. We will see what happens. There are a lot of other family members there, we talked with a few. We are grateful that we listened to the Holy Ghost.

We were contacting yesterday as well (we contact a lot here) and we met a Presbyterian pastor named Omelino (Pastor Omelino), and he let us in the house. I thought about whipping out the Joseph Smith History and just nailing the guy but we just had a nice conversation instead. He had a lot of questions about missionary work and we asked him some questions to understand his church a little more, because I had never taught a Presbyterian before. We will see where it all leads to, and we have an appointment with him next Sunday.

Things are going well here. One of the Elders in the zone, Elder Hatch, hadn't had a companion these few weeks because his Colombian companion hasn't got his visa. We worked with him a few days and he is a great guy. He got a temporary companion from Mapastepec that is getting ready for the mission. We are happy that everyone is in their areas now.

Things are going really well here. I feel like I am learning fast. I love being a missionary and I love this work. I know it is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he restored Christ's church. I love preaching the fullness of the Gospel. I learn more every day. I love you and miss you all so much!

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

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