Thursday, February 17, 2011

Los Que Siembran con Lágrimas, con Aregocijo Segarán

Mi Familia,

I feel like I just wrote home, ha I kind of did! But I cannot believe how fast the MTC is going by.

I hosted yesterday, and I got Trevor! It was so fun. I gave him the limited edition extension tour. That includes a trip to my room and secrets of the MTC. It was so fun. He lives far away from me but his classroom is just a floor up. We have completely different schedules which is a bummer. I also saw my friend Cody Jenson (from BYU) who is also going to Mexico. I gave him a hug and he seemed happy and ready to go. The rest was pretty weird. I am not sure if I liked it. It brought back memories of my first day and made me realize how little I think about home. I am happy when I am not reflecting on it! But yesterday I feel like I got a taste as I heard the BYU bell tower ringing and thought about when I got here at the MTC. I am glad I am so far into the mission and am not homesick anymore. I love it here!

Trevor's comp is from Twin Falls Idaho and knows Elder Webb who was in my district before he went to the Peru MTC. Trevor said he really likes him. Awesome!

Elder Shaw left Wednesday morning. No problems this time. It was so hard to say bye. He was such a great missionary and he motivated me to be better. I cried a little. Man tears of course. But I wrote him a note and got to have somewhat of a good bye. He wrote our district a note and addressed some to all of us. He told me I have that "Cali groove" (haha) and that he felt like he could talk to me. It made me happy. I definitely need to stay in contact with him after the mission.

Have you heard anything about the Mexico visa drama? I guess some random people want the church to take a stand on illegal immigration. Let me know if there is any big news. The Elders who I thought got visas actually just didn't get reassigned. But we will see what happens.

We got a new district and they seem good. I like them but don't feel like I am even going to get to know them very well because my departure date is in 18 days! We will see though. Our zone has 42 missionaries now. Tan loco! Before we came in there was 14 I think. It is weird to see so much change but fun too. Our district feels so old now. I like it.

This week is going to be great. Hermana Verwer said it is going to be "La Semana de Poder." We are going to teach a ton of lessons and work really hard on Spanish. I am more motivated than I think I ever have been and I can't wait to learn and teach more.

Things are going great. I am learning so much! Elder Peck and I are getting along very well and teaching with the Spirit. I am sad we are going to have to part ways pretty soon. But it will be ok. I am so happy to be here and am learning so much. It is crazy.

Pues, me encanta el CCM. Estoy aprendiendo mas cada dia. La zona esta bien y todas las cosas en mi vida son fantasticos! Vida es buenisima. Quiero que ensene todavida! Pero paciencia es un virtud. En tiempo, yo voy a hacer las cosas reales de misioneros! Estoy feliz!

I hope everything is going well at home. I hope to hear from you soon. Sounds like everything is good. The Lord has blessed us so much. It is amazing to know his true church is on the earth today, and that we know how to obtain eternal salvation. I can't wait to share it with others. I love you and miss you. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of you.

Con Amor,

Elder Riley Stevenson

1 comment:

Ron and Ginny said...

Elder R. Stevenson, you could be related to Elder Peck and Elder Shaw. Wouldn't that be funny. Grandpa's side of the family.